Sunday, January 17, 2010

Concerning Blogging...

Blogging is a simple concept, so why is it so hard to think of things to blog about? I like to write and God knows I spend plenty of time in front of my computer; one would think the topics would just come naturally. The truth of the matter is, I live a pretty boring life surrounded by routine and normalacy. This makes the usual blog-that-reads-like-a-diary concept pretty hard for me to emulate.

Keeping this in mind, let me quickly explain what I want to do with this blog. First and foremost, I want to use this space to practice writing. I feel like since I left school it's a talent that has slowly withered and diminished. It's really one of those, "if you don't use it, you lose it," things and I think that if I can manage even a semi-regular posting habit here, I might be able to keep these skills sharp. If it does nothing else but get me to sit my butt down in a chair and focus on getting a few paragraphs out here and there, I'll consider this endevor a roaring success.

Besides that, I hope that this site will offer me at least a small degree of networking capability as well. I'd like to hear from other people like myself (ie. movie, book, and internet enthusiasts), to find out what you're doing, reading, watching, etc. I like to find new things and I think that this will be a great way to find out about them.

With all that out of the way, I have no idea what will be popping up on this blog. I foresee a lot of movie reviews/interesting stuff I hear about or read online showing up. I'm sure there will be the occasional personal adventure thrown in the mix, but probably not as often as I'd like.

So, if you're reading, let me know what you think. Advice, ideas, all comments are welcome. Hope you, whomever you are, enjoy reading this as much as I like writing it.


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